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Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 35 - 36 of 84

Logan's Second/Third Week of Reactive Dog Class

by sands904 on 12/16/2009 at 2:02 PM in Logan

Logan's second week was postponed from Tuesday until Saturday last week because of the snow. He did very well on Saturday. He was a little less nervous (less shaking and whining) during class maybe because Daddy was there :). He kept wanting to watch the other dogs which he did very well without reacting (GREAT!!). He was still a little too stressed to pay attention to me the entire time but overall did very well.

Last night (week 3) he did much better. He still was whining and shaking some but less than before and was able to pay attention to me very well. He had trouble with heeling he kept wanting to walk on the side closest to the other dogs instead of the left when we turned around. He only reacted to on dog and that was after the dog barked/growled at him first. I would count last night as a successful class. More to come! Good Job Logan!
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Logan's Progress

by sands904 on 12/4/2009 at 8:52 AM in Logan

I haven't written in a while because I have been busy :(. Logan just started his "Reactive Dog Class" this past Tuesday. He was very nervous on the car ride there like normal and was very unsure when we got out of the car. I was walking him around outside and the instructor came over toward him. He gave a soft, low growl at first but when she bent down he went to sniff her.

When we got inside the building he was very nervous, pacing around, whining and trembling. He did this the entire night. Despite this he did very well giving me attention and doing what was asked of him. He only let out a bark or two at the beginnin of class and overall seemed interested in the other dogs.

I can't wait until this coming Tuesday to see how he is...
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