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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for Anonymous

Blog for Anonymous

Entries: 23 - 24 of 37


by sands904 on 5/30/2010 at 6:59 PM in Designer Dogs

So, yesterday I received a somewhat nasty email from one of our former members berating our site for not allowing breeders to post dog's for sale on it. While some of you might know we used to allow breeders to list Dogs for Sale on our site but after several complaints and much research on my part I decided it was in the best interest of the dogs and our site to no longer allow them to be posted. I do understand that many people probably come to our site looking for a puppy to purchase but we have no way to verify the integrity of the ads or breeders posting them. I started this site not just as a community for dogs and dog lovers but as a way to provide information out about mixed-breed and designer dogs along with health, training, etc. and to allow owners to connect with other owners.
As the person pointed out we may be losing out on new members because of this decision. I am okay with that. I just wanted to reach out to our member community and get your input on this topic. My intention is not to push good and ethical breeders away but to maintain the integrity of our Community and not become part of the problem when it comes to Backyard Breeders and Puppy Mills. Besides being a web designer I am a passionate dog lover and aspiring trainer. As such I do a ton of reading and research about dog health, nutrition, behavior, etc and this has become a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I adopted my third dog Lance from our local shelter. Perhaps my passion for trying to help shelter dogs find homes and keep more from making it there has taken me too far to one side in regards to this topic. Again any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Golden Rottie

by LeighV202 on 5/15/2010 at 7:01 PM in Designer Dogs

We have been searching for a designer breeder that has golden rottie's and have been unsuccessful thus far. Does anyone have any information regarding a breeder for this mix?
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