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Designer Dog Blog for Anonymous

Blog for Anonymous

Entries: 117 - 118 of 138

Calendars as a Gift

by abbylane on 9/1/2008 at 7:26 PM in First Post

People who love pets love to get calendars with their favourite breed or just in general a pet calendar. If you are a cat lover then a calendar of different cats is nice and the same with a dog lover. There are such cute and well done photos of any pet and really represented on a calendar for each month.

The calendars are great gifts to anyone because the way they are set up. The calendars can cheer up a person on a bad day and can help a person who cannot have a pet as well. Some people have everything and a calendar can give them a year's worth of enjoyment every month of that year.

People that have pets can submit their pet's picture to the people who produced the calendar as well and this would give them enjoyment if their pet is chosen to represent that month.

Calendars are great for everyone of any age and they can reap joy for a whole year. They are easy wrapped and cost is not expensive.

Give the joy of life of a calendar for a year and you will find how far this gift can be remembered.

N. Crozier
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by Coachksk on 8/22/2008 at 5:34 AM in First Post

Never in my life had I heard of a JUG! That was the word written in large, bold letters above his cage. He sat watching us very calmly as we walked up and down the aisle looking at all the other puppies in this popular retail pet store on Oahu. Sure the pure breed puppies were cute, the French Boston Terriers were adorable and playing amoung themselves, other fuzzy puppies were sleeping, and this little 6 week old JUG puppy, with big round dark eyes never skipped a beat. He already chose us to take him home... When we asked the Pet Shop Clerk if we could see him, immediatly after entering the play area he crawled into my lap and buried his nose in my arms. He sealed the deal! We brought him home to Maui five months ago, and taking those 15 minutes to chose a puppy before flying home was one of the best decisions of our lives... Kudos to his breeder in Australia. He plays like a Jack and he loves like a Pug !
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