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Lacey, Logan and the Newcomer - Lance

by sands904 on 10/9/2008 at 6:19 PM in New Puppy

Well, tomorrow will be a week since we adopted Lance from the shelter. I was very worried at first about the three of them getting along. The weekend went okay but then Monday morning Logan woke me up vomitting 3 times. Then I found he had some bloody diaherra. I stayed home from work and took him into the vet right away. The vet examined him and ran a couple of tests. One and a half hours, $150 and 3 prescriptions later we were on our way home. All the tests came back negative and the vet said it could just be stress over the new dog.

I was worried. I thought about taking Lance back to the shelter, but really didn't want to. Lance is supossedly a German Shepherd mix (17lbs @ 11wks) and Lacey (7lbs) & Logan(12lbs) are Chipoos I thought the size different might be contributing to Logans stress (if that was really the problem). My husband and I thought long and hard and were ready to take him back on Tuesday night. We let Lance out of his crate after work and they began playing nicely together. It was like they all new it was time...

After seeing that we decided to give it another chance as Lance is a wonderful puppy. The last couple of days have been great. There have been a few incidents of escalation but overall all three of them are chasing, playing and having a good time together.

Lance is even picking up potty training very quickly. We had no accidents yesterday. I caught him the day before in the act of going on the carpet and yelled 'NO' and he actually stoped in mid-pee and I took him outside where he finished and so far that was the last accident (hopefully for a very long time :)

That makes me question the estimated age the shelter gave him as Lacey & Logan never stopped at that age when I yelled. It could just be him or they may be off a few weeks. I don't know for sure but right now everything is calm as they are chewing on some rawhides nicely together. It is wonderful......
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Our new Puppy

by sands904 on 10/4/2008 at 8:52 PM in Visiting a Shelter

We first saw Lance (AKA George as he was named by the shelter) last Saturday at SafeHarbour Shelter. He was in a cage with his brother (Norton). They were an adorable pair, playing and very friendly. We told the shelter we were interested in him, but they said we couldn't interact with him yet because he had just be neutered the day before and wanted to let him rest. They told us to come back to see him on Monday.

Monday I went in to see him and got to play with him in the lobby for a while. He was not as playful as before and looked a little lethargic. The lady there told me he was getting a case of Kennel Cough. I left to get my husband and our other dogs so they could see him. The lady called me back on my way home to tell me they took Lance's temperature and it was 103.3 degrees and recommended we did not bring our dogs to see him as they could catch it. She told me to call on Thursday to see how he was doing.

On Thursday afternoon I called to find out he was better and ready to go home. Friday after work my husband and I took Lacey and Logan to the shelter to meet him. They brought him out to the outdoor pen to let our dogs meet him. At first Logan barked at him cause Logan is a barker. They showed some interest in each other, but Logan continued to bark. Lance was a little scared and hid in the corner once.

Despite their initial visit we decided to bring Lance home and hoped they would get along. It has been about one day in his new home and Lance is adjusting nicely. As for Lacey and Logan they are still a bit cautious and protective of us, their home and their toys, but it has been a huge improvement in just 24 hours. I thinks things will be fine.
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