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Designer Dog Blog for stffrdd2

Blog for stffrdd2

Entries: 1 - 2 of 4

The Grand dog has come to visit

by stffrdd2 on 10/26/2011 at 8:08 PM in What's new?

Okay so now there is a grand dog born either late April or early May 2011.  She belongs to the youngest son but is in need of a temporary home.  I don't like it.  The old cat hates the idea of a puppy, she hated me when I first arrived.  Now the cat and I have something in common we agree we don't need a puppy.
I heard them discuss fostering this pup, not sure what that means.  But once she arrived with her cute little beagle face and puppy ways I knew the cat and I would now be buddies.  This is alot of work entertaining this puppy.  Love it when she just falls out and is in need of a nap.  I am exhausted and I need a nap. 
Well my master had to go to the hospital and I was left baby sitting this new puppy, thank goodness for the doggy door.  She had drug out every toy of the toy basket and chewed up alot of them.  Has clean laundry out of the laundry basket all thru the house.  Found out what the kleenex box was for (to shred) I think she has no manners at all.  When they get home boy someone is going to be in trouble.
Well it has been a few weeks since her arrival and she eats up everything.  Been to the vet and they think she is sooooo cute.  Hey what about me?   I like her alittle bit but she loves me and is like my shadow.
What am I going to do with this puppy who I think is here to stay?     Rocky T.

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SO I have been busy

by stffrdd2 on 1/6/2011 at 9:58 AM in What's new?

It has been awhile since I have given an up date on my adventures. I have to be on the leash most of the time. The female human I live with wants me to be able to go out the door and into her vehicle off the leash. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't hense the nickname by her "doggie do-doggie don't"
I ran out of the car door into the grocery store, been to the fellowship hall at church, and the best was the golf course. I was welcomed to 2 out of 3 places. I scared the little checker at the grocery store but I just wanted to say hi.
I am getting close to my second birthday and am alittle bit better than last year when I was just a new rescused pup. My new home is great, they love me and bring me stuff home from the store, or resturant, places I can't go always with them gets me a present. They feel sorry for me, and I do wear my pitiful face. So what have you been doing?
Rocky Top
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