N/A (
Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (
Microchipping Information)
Fowler ( After my birth Mum- but changed to Ace after my birth mummies owner decided he didn't want me back as not a full pointer)
Came From
I was the dominant one at first, but now i'm the one that my brothers boss around. I'm Affectionate and loves cuddles with my mum.
Favorite Toy
A ballpit ball and my new big brothers tail (he's a staffy and lets me do whatever i want :-P)
Favorite Hobby
Playing and chewing
Favorite Food
I love everything that's even remotely edible. But will do my best sit for a bit of mums chicken
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
I'm pretty good at sit- but I think I'm best at chewing- but mummy doesn't always like it when I do that
Favorite Place To Sleep
In the arms of my favorite humans or led with my new big brother
Favorite Place To Play
On the big rug in the kitchen
Favorite Place To Walk
In the garden- not explored further yet
My new family, Playing chewing eating sleeping in that order
Think i'll dislike it when my 2 real brothers go to their new homes :'(
Ace's Story & Details
My birth mum died when trying to give birth to even more of my brothers and sisters :'( She gave birth to 3 boys. The vet said we didn't have a chance unless they found us another foster mummy with puppies. They couldn't find one so we were going to be let to sleep and join our birth mum in doggy heaven. my new mummy insisted on taking us to a different vets as she said she would handrear us. my birth mummy's owner let her but said he wanted to keep me if I survived my very sad start. My new mummy bottle fed me and my two brothers and she says it was hard work and very sad as she nearly lost us at first. But we were all fighters and now we're 9 weeks old and ready for our new homes. But she is going to keep me as it turns out the dog they thought was my daddy is not my daddy, but a collie is instead so the man that owned us doesn't want us back. But that's ok because here I get to live indoors and have lots of fun and toys and a family that love me and I love them :-)