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Our baby Homer

Four years ago next week, we picked up a 2.5 lb. squeaking bundle of joy at the airport from a puppy rescue down south. I'd been looking for a dog for a year. Homer's daddy said "no more" because he did not want to have to go through another dog passing away. But, I kept looking and found this little guy online and filled out the application. I told hubby when he got home from golfing. He was not thrilled but went along with it. He is retired and I work part time. Now, they are best buddies and go everywhere together. He is our empty nest child. He is with us constantly as we travel all over the country. He loves to ride in his car seat in the middle seat of our van. He loves to eat and snuggle (he's snuggled up to me right now on the couch) and loves socks. I had a dog like this as I was growing up and loved her. I consciously looked for some kind of beagle/terrier mix when looking to adopt and this little face just jumped out at me. I am so glad that we took the chance on this little guy. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Posted: 11/13/2011 10:31:48 AM by Anonymous

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Abby came to us a few years ago. She was a stray that someone had sit out and we took her in. She's the most affectionate little dog and loves attention. If her daddy doesn't speak to her and/or pick her up when he comes in from work, she actually goes off to pout. She's very active almost to the point of hyper active at times. She can run circles around my other three larger dogs and she feels no intimidation from them at all. She's queen of the castle so to speak. She is somewhat picky about what she will eat and what she wont. And since she is long-bodied like a dachshund, the vet has told us she is prone to back injuries. She's been to the vet once because she sprained her back and now as I am typing this, we think she may have done this again because of how she's acting. Other than the back sprains, she's otherwise pretty healthy. Abby is approx. 3-4 years old. We're not exact on her age since she came to us as a stray. Very loving, likes to give you kisses and loves attention. She has a little stuffed beaver that she plays with and carries around a lot. She lost it one time outside in our rather large fenced in backyard and we searched for 2 days to find it. Now, we try and stop her from taking it outdoors anymore :-)
Posted: 11/13/2011 10:27:52 AM by Anonymous

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The Shepadoodle tends to be more like a Shepherd than a Poodle. Shepadoodles are a medium sized dog weighing about 50 pounds. They are very smart and loyal. The Shepadoodle doesn't shed like a shepherd because of the influence of the poodle. You will have to brush the dog and will get dander and hair in the brush. Shepadoodles are very loyal and want to spend time with their family. They make wonderful outdoor companions: energetic and athletic. They are also calm, intelligent indoor companions. Wonderful for children; they have a warm, loving nature. A big bark but friendly and outgoing.They are very smart and learn very quickly. Although the Shepadoodle puppies can be quite active, as adults they are rated a "medium" in activity and "average" for exercise needs.
Posted: 11/10/2011 7:23:03 PM by Anonymous

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My wauzer was 5lbs at 8 weeks then grew to a very strong and healthy 26lbs. He likes to play and can play rough so children over 5 are likely better while the wauzer is still a puppy. He has allergies, airborne mostly and he is allergic to chicken He has chronic ear issues and has to be taken to the vet for it. He is charming anda very loyal companion, great in all weather types. Loves to just stare and guard the house.
Posted: 11/10/2011 7:20:50 PM by Anonymous

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I just want to state that I am so happy that I have a beautiful, friendly, and loving borador named Nickolas. He was born on Christmas Day and he will be two years old this coming Christmas. He loves Gizmoe, Tigerlilly and his pal Joey and they are cats. Nickolas will break up his dog bones for Joey so he can help him eat them. I went to purchase a Labordoddle and thought I had purchased one but I purchased Nickolas and that was the best thing that had happen to me and my family. We are still working on walking together because he just wants everyone to love him when are out walking around the neighborhood.
Posted: 11/10/2011 7:13:45 PM by Nickie

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The Boxita has all the loving qualities of the Boxer with the independance of the Akita. The Boxita is a very humble family dog. A very loyal and quick learning dog, makes a wonderful family pet. Watch Dog qualities are dependant on each individual pup. While the Akita is a top notch watch/guard dog, the Boxer isn't as protective and more interested in Play. Slender body with nice muscle tone. The Boxita needs plenty of excersize to be a good family pet. Without the ability to have the excersize this breed(mixed breed) requires, the Boxita is prone to excessive chewing due to boredom, hyperactivity, and even agression.
Posted: 10/9/2011 8:58:56 AM by Anonymous

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