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Saint Berxer

Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Saint Boxer

Caring for a Saint Berxer

Feeding: As the Saint Berxer is prone to bloat, it is best to feed them two or three small meals a day instead of one large meal.

Living with a Saint Berxer

Personality: Despite their size, the Saint Berxer is a sweet, gentle, playful, obedient and smart dog.

Temperament: The Saint Berxer has an even temperament.

Family Dog: The Saint Berxer makes a great family dog. They typically get along great with other dogs and children but should always be supervised around toddlers and young children. They can stay outside but prefer to be with family. They can be protective so it is best to socialize them when they are young with other people and dogs.

Shedding: Some Saint Berxers shed only one to two times a year while other shed a lot all year long.

Grooming: The Saint Berxer should be brushed once a week and can be bathed twice a year.

Training: The Saint Berxer loves to please and learns quickly. They may ignore you when they are not focused.

Behavior: The St. Berxer is playful, energetic and gentle. They may climb over gates and up kennels as a puppy. They have great energy and love to play.

Barking: The Saint Berxer typically only barks when they feel it is necessary otherwise they are quiet and calm dog. They can have a very high pitched bark.

Weather: The Saint Berxer is not very tolerate of hot weather. They do well in cooler temps and can venture out for walks in cold weather but may not like the rain.

Exercise: The Saint Berxer needs exercise everyday like a Boxer including a long daily walk. Puppies should not have too much exercise at one time until their bones are well formed and strong. Short walks and brief play sessions are best until the dog is about two years old.

Physical Ability: The Saint Berxer loves to run very fast and has exceptional natural jumping ability.

Living Conditions: The Saint Berxer should have a yard, preferrably fenced as they enjoy climbing and exploring. They likes to be with the family and do well in a kennel.

Saint Berxer Appearance

Appearance: The Saint Berxer is usually fawn or brown colored with a short, thick coat that may have the white St. Bernard markings on the body, face and paws. The face usually has black around the eyes which looks like eyeliner with darker coloring on the back and tips of the ears. They often have a black or spotted nose.

Size: The Saint Berxer is can be between 60 to 120 pounds but they are typically in the 90 to 100 pound range.

Companionship: The Saint Berxer can be very attached to one particular person.

Head: The Saint Berxer has a large head that shaped like a Boxer's only larger like a St. Bernard's and flat on top.

Nose: The Saint Berxer has a very large nose.

Eyes: The Saint Berxer has light golden or brown eyes that may have a hazel appearance in them and can change from green to dark brown as they mature.

Ears: The ears of the St. Berxer are small and set high on the head.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the St. Berxer is medium in length.

Teeth/Bite: The Saint Berxer does not have the underbite of Boxer.

Neck: The neck of the Saint Berxer is short and thick.

Body: The Saint Berxer can have a slender, muscular body like the Boxer with a large, broad chest like the Saint Bernard.

Forequarters: The Saint Berxer has broad forequarters with front legs that appear slightly bowed when standing, very much like a Boxer's.

Hindquarters: The narrow hindquarters of the St. Berxer are much like that of the Boxer. Their back end is slightly higher than their front.

Gait: The Saint Berxer has a quick, condensed, small stride.

Feet: The St. Berxer has very large paws even in females.

Tail: The tail of the Saint Berxer is thick, long and somewhat fluffy, but not as fluffy as a St. Bernard's and may slightly curl at the end.

Color: The coat of the Saint Berxer is usually fawn or light brown with white markings on the paws and chest or spotted like a St Bernard. They can have dark ears and dark under their eyes with a black mask and black or spotted nose.

Coat: The Saint Berxer has a short thick coat.

Saint Berxer Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Saint Berxer is 8 to 12 years.

Saint Berxer Health

Dental Health: The Saint Berxer typically has good teeth.

Bone Health: Overall the Saint Berxer has good bone health but some are prone to "wobbler" syndrome because of a slightly weaker ankle in a pup which can be inherited from the Boxer and the rapid growth and weight gain. It is best to wait until the pup is at least a year of age before doing any high impact exercises to prevent stress or injury.

Litter Size: The Saint Berxer's average litter size is 8 pups.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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